Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Why do we need to Pray incessantly?

Undeniably we always up for something in return in doing something. There is always a prize attach in favor of our service, either we want to be recognized, appreciated or rewarded. That's very human to consider.
            Nonetheless, religious piety is not exempted with this mentality. Some believers may accuse it as too human, worldly and mundane. But basically human psyche goes that way. We recited novenas, completed the nine mornings and nine novena masses or triduum as we prepare for our patron's feast, attended daily mass, and many other forms of prayers because we are asking something from God. We are hopeful that God would grant our petitions in favor of our sacrifice offered to Him. From my point of view as a priest, that should not be case, of course. Because saying that God answered my prayers and wishes because I have succeeded and fulfilled 'those' and 'that' pilgrimages or offerings is nothing but limiting God's mercy and compassion. God, with or without your sacrifices is always merciful.

            Of course, I'm not negating the value of our prayers, offerings and sacrifices. It does help us, in a way, elating and elevating our sense of connectedness to Him whom we offer up something. But we can't equate our supplications as our means to placate God.  No need to please God because He's always ahead of us. He knows our needs even before we pray for it. See Isaiah 65:24, God said, "It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear."

            Despite He doesn't need any of our sacrifices, for it will not change Him in nature, He still remind us to "pray without ceasing" in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Presumably, this is to grow our patience and perseverance. And as God watches us honoring Him everyday grants our hearts desire in due time. James 1:12 reminds us how persevering people are blessed to receive the reward from heaven because they endure their trials.

            Via crucis is one our richest devotional prayers to nourish and enrich our virtues of patience and perseverance. I'm sure, heaven has prepared rewards for those who follow it sincerely, just as I have discovered in the revelations received by Brother Estanislao (1903 - 1927). He received divine messages revealing the promise reward for the devotees of the Path of the Cross.

            Check out my blog for Brother Estanislao's revelation.

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