Sunday, March 29, 2015

"I learned to GIVE not because I have much but because I know exactly how it feels to have NOTHING."

Actually, I have a second thought of sharing my experiences in lieu with this very touching phrase circulating around the Facebook pages. The hesitation comes about maybe because I have to publicly open myself to everyone who can access my blogs. After awhile of struggling with the hesitations, I came to realize that I have nothing to be ashamed of with the past I gratefully overcame. It is the heart of the matter of this sharing. The essence of this writing is to impart to everyone how I learned to give unreservedly because I knew how it is to be in dire need. In so doing, I encourage all to do the same whenever you are in the opportunity to do so.

            Along with this line of thought, I remember the following quotes: "It's better to give than to receive" and "You're lucky if someone ask you because you are in the position to give."
            There are two experiences I would like share here. But I decided to share it one by one.

            The first story I would like to share was when I was a boy. My brother Joel, our eldest brother who used to be a good fisherman at a young age perhaps because his major subject during High School studies was Fish Capture, ask me to accompany him fishing. One early evening, we were in the shore with all of our fishing gears, I wonder how we could get into the sea since we don't have a boat or a 'baruto'. So I asked him. He replied, "we just wait here for a while maybe some of those who are fishing already will go home early and we will take his 'baruto'."

            "But surely we will get scolded if ever we were caught," I insisted.

            "Let's do it fast. Just a little catch for our dinner and breakfast tomorrow then, we'll go home hastily." He assured me.

            We enjoy fishing uncaught. We feasted our catch.
            Few months after my ordination to the priesthood, my brother got the nerve to share with me his desire to have his own 'baruto,' so he could go fishing anytime. I laughed out loudly because I remember my fishing experiences with him during my boyhood. When alone in my room, I cried. I pitied my brother and myself too while reminiscing those moments we used our neighbors 'baruto' without permission. I thanked God for the opportunity to help my brother now. I checked my meager savings then, and immediately asked him how much he needed. Fortunately, out of my little savings we have successfully financed the construction of his 'baruto.' My brother was happy. So do I, because just the other day he gave me his catch - 'barawan'. Ummm...yummy!

            Wait and check out for the next story...


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